Machining Workshop I

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Intro to Machining

We are presenting a machine tool workshop focusing on manual mill and lathe work. The goal of this workshop is to get students able to safely and comfortably perform lathe and mill operations and be able to continue their learning by doing further projects after the workshop has concluded. Machine tool work requires a lot of knowledge including book learning along with practical experience. This workshop will get participants started with a basic understanding of lathe and mill operations and other related skills. We will start with safety, then cover proper operations of the mill and the lathe. Then we will cover indicating and measurments followed by the project.

  • A maximum of 3 students can take this workshop at the same time, multiple classes can run in parallel on separate nights of the week.


Students taking this class will make an aluminum plumb-bob.

Plum bob
Plum bob with cap removed

Time frame and class scheduling

Two weeks are given before the start of class for homework to be completed. The class is four weeks long and consists of four one-evening sessions of three hours each, one session per week. We will schedule dates for the class based upon times which work for the students taking the class.

Pre-home work

The duration of this workshop is 12 hours, in order to maximize the benefit each student should do the required pre-homework before attending the actual workshop. It's not required to fully understand all of this material, however you will be familar with terms and operations along with concepts beyond what we will be teaching. Additionally, we have much more training material beyond what is presented here so students are free to go beyond the prescribed homework. However at a minimum please try to get through the prescribed homework.

Mill training wiki

Mill training

Read chapter 18 from the book Machining Fundamentals:

Metal lathe training wiki

Metal Lathe training

Read chapters 13, 14, and 15 of Machining_Fundamentals:

Next download the manuals for our lathes:

Read page 12 of the AtlasLatheOperationManual (PDF page 12 which is 2 pages of the book) and part/chapter 4 (PDF pages 35-46).


On our bookshelves is a CD binder with training video DVD's and a memory stick which also contains the videos. Video homework will be issued when students sign up for this workshop.

Instructors Prep Notes

Machining workshop prep notes

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