Makerfarm 12-Inch Pegasus

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The purpose of this page is to provide a highly detailed review and construction guide of the [Makerfarm 12-inch Pegasus kit].



The Makerfarm 12-inch Pegasus 3D printer kit was received on Thursday, the 20th of October, 2016. It was shipped in a 22-inch by 14.25-inch by 7-inch box weighing 26 pounds. Inside were 3 cardboard boxes, 1 styrofoam box, one paper package, the aluminum extrusions, a packing slip, a makerfarm sticker, and a promotion code. There were also some packing peanuts and sheets of thin packing foam. The boxes were not labeled, and there wasn't anything saying what should have been in each box.

The Large Box: Print Bed

The largest box contained the aluminum print bed and the heated print surface.

The First Small Box: Electronics

One of the smaller boxes contained more of the packing foam and 2 antistatic bags of preassembled electronics. One bag had a LCD control panel and cable. The other contained a preassembled Robotale RAMPS 1.4 board, complete with stepper drivers and an OSOYOO MEGA arduino clone.

The Second Small Box: Extruder Parts

The other smaller box contained

  • a tube of ball bearings wrapped in packing foam
  • 2 lasercut wooden sheets (which may have originally been 1 sheet, broken in two during shipping)
  • a bag of 3D printed parts
  • a white plastic bag with
    • 2 pulleys
    • 9 set screws
    • a hex key
  • a clear plastic bag with
    • a 5.25-inch long PTFE tube
    • a clear plastic bag with
      • a heater cartridge
      • a thermocouple with a modular connector
      • a pair of 2-wire cables with a modular connector on one end and two 0.1-inch pin sockets on the other
      • a 30mm computer fan
      • a 4-inch zip tie
      • a rubber (silicone?) hot end nozzle insulator
      • a clear-red indecton-molded plastic piece
    • a clear plastic bag with hotend hardware. Inside was another bag labeled "V6 UNIVERSAL FIXING KIT".

The Styrofoam Box: Stepper Motors

The styrofoam box contained 5 NEMA 17 bipolar stepper motors. The axles are 0.85 inches long and they all have flats ground out of them.

The Paper Package: Small Hardware

The paper (tyvek?) package contained

  • 3 individually bubble-wrapped stepper motor mounts made of welded, black-painted steel
  • a clear plastic bag with
    • 7 corner inserts
    • 35 corner brackets with nubs
    • a clear plastic bag with 4 corner brackets that had no nubs
  • a clear plastic box with a label:
50-M3 Nut, 40-M3 Nylock Nut, 25-M3x10mm Bolt, 65-M3x16mm Bolt, 15-M3x25mm Bolt, 18-M5x30mm Bolt, 35-M5x12mm Bolt, M3,M5 screw Wrench, 04-M5 Nut, 17-M5 Nylock Nut, 25-M5 Washer, 25-Zip Ties, 04-Spring, 04-Binder Clips, 03-Endstop Switches, 05-MR125ZZ Bearings, M3,M5 Nut Wrench

The box seemed to contain all of these. It also clearly contained even more hardware, such as:

    • 3 different cut black steel sheets
    • a 6-mm wide toothed belt
    • 2 more springs of a different type than the 4
    • a brass filament drive pulley
    • a full-size skate bearing

The Loose, Large Hardware

The aluminum extrusions:

  • 4 20mm x 20mm x 19.75-inch 8020-style
  • 14 20mm x 40mm x 19.75-inch 8020-style

Last, there are 2 16.5-inch long 3/32-inch diameter threaded rods.


A link on the [product page] leads to the [build guide].

Theg guide opens up with a visual giude to all of the hardware components. This is followed by a couple of "if you have this stuff, you have version 1. If you have that suff, you have version 2." The kit we received has Frame Kit Version 2, and requires instruction pages 19-21 rather than pages 22-23.

The assembly iinstructions for Frame Kit Version 2 are at [this address]. The instructions are in the form "Here's a paragraph of instructions, and here's a picture of the results". There was supposed to be a wooden filament spool holder which was punched out of the lasercut wooden sheet.

Reversing front and back Out of order - put top on 30 mm 3M screws? Different Z nut traps from picture "just press the nuts into the nut traps" - nope! (Z axis and Extruder) Difficult to put zip ties on the belt tightly Belt is BARELY long enough No pictures of assembled screen from front - difficult to tell if oriented correctly E3D-Lite6 Assembly Instructions: No screwdriver included for fan on hot end Extra hardware from hot end - did I miss some steps? Pegasus Single Extruder Assembly Instructions: Wooden extruder mount was too thick. It was very difficult to puton (required C-clamp) and bent to the point of snapping. 1 of the printed electronics mounts is different - made it difficult to align with picture to put nuts in right place

We need a 12" square of glass or PEI

RAMPS board was preassembled 3D printed electronics mount doesn't fit over through-hole pins of arduino's DC barrel jack. Fixed by cutting gouges into 3D printed part. Through-hole pin of power supply connector on RAMPS interfered with DC barrel of Arduino, preventing shield from being flat on Arduino, also preventing the same screw from reaching into the electronics mount. Fixed by using cutters to trim the one pin. Earlier instructions said to connect the screen, but it has to be disconnected to screw down the electronics Instructions do not say where to plug in fan for hot end The heater cables from the heated build platform were too thichk to fit into the connector on the RAMPS Extruder heater wires needed to be manually stripped Needed to provide 16 gauge wire to connect power supply to RAMPS

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