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Revision as of 10:02, 18 September 2015 by Apple (Talk | contribs)

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Apple says: Hi everyone that wonders into this tab. I'm just learning to use a Wiki so bare with me. *shameless plug for membership in BloomingLabs* You too could get a login to the wiki and edit here :)

I want to add some helpful hints to Janett's course and off the page tab in discussion seems the right area.

An interesting site that helped me yesterday is Learning C the Hard Way. In particular is helpful setup on Debian, Ubuntu, etc. run on the CLI (Command Line in a terminal window) will install what you need.

  $ sudo apt-get install build-essential

or for RedHat and other RPM based systems :

  $ su -c "yum groupinstall development-tools"

Helpful option to get gcc to leave intermediate files laying around is --save-temps as in:

  $ gcc --save-temps -o hello-world helloworld.c

programming C on Android

For busy people, another option for learning are a number of c/c++ programming apps for the Android phone and tablet.

One that I have used recommend is CppDroid

and for those with an interest in Arduino and a OTG USB in their Android is ArduinoDroid by the same author.

By the way, native c programming is discouraged on the Android platform, perhaps useful for intensive computational things but the added complexity of interfacing to Java weighs heavily against it.

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