Daniel's Projects
From Bloominglabs
Projects I've worked on at Bloominglabs:
Done/Reached Point of Satisfaction
- Buzzer system
- Netduino and shift-register based
- BrainBowl/Certamen-style buzzer system
- Self-hosted web scoring/reset interface
- Arduino Sonar Ruler
- Basic range-finder with LED inch display
- Mostly a test of using sonar range-finder for cubicle buddy
- Steamer fix-up
- Gunked-up home clothing steamer
- Lathe chisel cleanup
- Lathe chisel/gouge sharpening jig
- Whistle
- Oak
- Test turning on lathe
- Drilled out using 7/8" bit, cut notch on band saw, sanded down and flattened 1" dowel, glued in place
- Cubicle buddy
- Physical status indicator
- Worker warning system
- Integrated with messaging systems?
- Tons of laser cutting