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This special page shows all uploaded files. When filtered by user, only files where that user uploaded the most recent version of the file are shown.

File list
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descDate Name Thumbnail Size User Description Versions
10:06, 5 June 2019Gadget hamper002.jpg (file)94 KBDosman (3D modeling, Li-ion, 18650, battery charging, device cradle)1
10:04, 5 June 2019Gadget hamper008.jpg (file)83 KBDosman (3D modeling, Li-ion, 18650, battery, battery charging)1
09:54, 5 June 2019Battery contacts02.jpg (file)26 KBDosman (3D modeling, Li-ion, 18650, battery, brass contacts)1
09:53, 5 June 2019Battery contacts01.jpg (file)32 KBDosman (3D modeling, Li-ion, 18650, battery, brass contacts)1
23:28, 4 June 2019Device charger channels04.jpg (file)57 KBDosman (3D modeling, Li-ion, 18650, battery, Baofeng, ham, radio)1
23:27, 4 June 2019Device charger channels03.jpg (file)57 KBDosman (3D modeling, Li-ion, 18650, battery)1
23:26, 4 June 2019Device charger channels02.jpg (file)41 KBDosman (3D modeling, Li-ion, 18650, battery)1
23:23, 4 June 2019Device charger channels01.jpg (file)33 KBDosman (3D modeling, Li-ion, 18650, battery)1
16:01, 4 June 201918650 cell holder - wire contact.jpg (file)71 KBDosman (3D modeling, li-ion, 18650, battery)1
15:42, 4 June 2019Battery wiring01.jpg (file)39 KBDosman (3D modeling, li-ion, 18650, battery packs, soldering)1
15:22, 4 June 2019Printed batterypack wire contacts.jpg (file)35 KBDosman (3D modeling, li-ion, 18650, wire contacts)1
15:21, 4 June 201918650 cell holder01.jpg (file)47 KBDosman (3D modeling, li-ion, 18650, battery holders)1
15:21, 4 June 201918650 cell holder - battery tab spring01.jpg (file)81 KBDosman (3D modeling, li-ion, 18650)1
15:07, 24 March 2019Blabs radio desk-Swalnut.jpg (file)79 KBDosman (Radio desk at South Walnut location, 2018 onwards.)1
14:53, 24 March 2019Blabs receiving station01.jpg (file)68 KBDosman 1
14:51, 24 March 20198way splitter.jpg (file)83 KBDosman (8-way power divider / splitter)1
19:28, 15 March 2019Multicoupler.jpg (file)7 KBDosman (multicoupler splitter power divider)1
17:33, 14 March 2019Coax attenuation chart.png (file)245 KBDosman (Coax attenuation chart, courtesy Universal Radio.)1
17:30, 14 March 2019Amazon discone.jpg (file)14 KBDosman (discone antenna)1
17:21, 14 March 2019Connector Types.png (file)121 KBDosman (Copied from Unsure of original copyright.)1
21:56, 17 February 2019Blabs main entrance.jpg (file)42 KBDosman 1
15:48, 9 February 2019Qrcode SatNOGS-norotator.png (file)3 KBDosman (QR code for the satnogs no-rotator page)1
15:19, 9 February 201920190127 114510.jpg (file)272 KBDosman (satnogs no-rotator ground station)1
15:19, 9 February 201920190127 143649.jpg (file)78 KBDosman (satnogs no-rotator station)1
17:30, 22 January 2019Machine knitting.jpg (file)437 KBLaura.hohman 1
17:26, 22 January 201950405228 2323351271235521 2799328858828963840 n.jpg (file)292 KBLaura.hohman (Knitting machine)1
15:20, 18 January 2019M505-05.jpg (file)89 KBDosman (Hesine M-505 3D printer)1
15:20, 18 January 2019M505-04.jpg (file)87 KBDosman (Hesine M-505 3D printer)1
15:20, 18 January 2019M505-03.jpg (file)95 KBDosman (Hesine M-505 3D printer)1
15:20, 18 January 2019M505-02.jpg (file)92 KBDosman (Hesine M-505 3D printer)1
15:20, 18 January 2019M505-01.jpg (file)91 KBDosman (Hesine M-505 3D printer)1
14:56, 17 January 2019M505 realignment.jpg (file)46 KBDosman (Hesine M505 3d printer realignment. Anet A8)1
11:06, 3 January 201920190103 cherokeecbs1000-micjack.jpg (file)63 KBDosman 1
11:04, 3 January 201920190103 cherokeecbs1000.jpg (file)42 KBDosman 1
15:40, 2 January 201920181222 blabs masts-small1.jpg (file)68 KBDosman (1840 S. Walnut antenna masts, ham radio, CB, discone, etc.)1
21:42, 29 November 2018Essential Oils.jpeg (file)168 KBHeath 1
18:41, 3 October 2018With flowers.jpg (file)105 KBLaura.hohman 1
14:10, 27 August 2018Aquanta controller-enviracom.png (file)271 KBDosman (Aquanta EnviraCOM interface)1
14:03, 27 August 2018Honeywell Enviracom adapter.png (file)97 KBDosman (Honeywell enviracom serial adapter)1
11:01, 11 July 2018BloominglabsLaserWorkshop 2018.pdf (file)163 KBDakmh (2018 version of LaserDan's laser class handout.)1
22:02, 27 June 2018CAR LIFT WAIVER.doc (file)35 KBDosman (Waiver for liability from damage to a vehicle resulting from use of the car lift.)1
18:50, 21 June 2018Bloominglabs-card-single-2018.jpg (file)118 KBDakmh 1
18:40, 21 June 20182018 BusCard 1e.svg (file)93 KBDakmh 1
09:15, 6 May 2018!Blabs metal shop.jpg (file)263 KBDosman 1
21:26, 25 April 2018Quick Start - Combined Metal+Gas Tags-v5.doc (file)44 KBDosman 1
12:00, 27 March 2018Workshops2018-spring-summer.svg (file)96 KBDosman (This is the SVG template Laser Dan created which is used for the workshop flyers. This one has so many workshops though that I had to size the text way down to fit everything.)1
10:08, 27 March 2018Workshops2018-spring-summer.pdf (file)49 KBDosman (Revision E)1
10:06, 27 March 2018Workshops2018-spring-summer.png (file)172 KBDosman (Revision E)1
21:53, 10 March 2018Metal lathe safety 2.0.svg (file)22 KBGavwhela (Version 2.0 of metal lathe safety sign as svg.)1
21:52, 10 March 2018Metal lathe safety 2.0.pdf (file)20 KBGavwhela (Version 2.0 of metal lathe safety sign as pdf.)1

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