2018-03-21 meeting minutes

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2018-03-21 Blabs meeting agenda / minutes


  • Treasurers report presented - prepared by Heath
  • Workshop planning for spring and summer
  • The new parking ticket stickers provided by Adam
  • Pete provided dust collection system maps for people to submit their preferred layout

Hidden agenda: Post meeting activities organized after 7pm:

  • Secure member storage area setup with shelves
  • Air compressor moved to final location in wood shop
  • Upper deck of storage unit cleared of all Blabs stuff
  • Good progress in moving smaller stuff back into space
  • Discarded some junk which made the move.
  • Car lift stood up in final location

Treasurers report - all for prior month

Expenses (monthly)
Rent $1360.75
Electricity $255
Dumpster $38.72
Internet $69.95
Gas (won't pay till insulation installed)
Total monthly $1724.42

Discussion occurred about the high electric bill, no determination was found for this. (Note after the fact: the April electric bill was only about $180, still about $60 higher than the S. Rogers location for bare minimum usage of the space.)

Member Dues $1520
Outstanding dues $1760

Current Bank funds
Checking $5987.04
Savings $2377.79

Buildout Funds Report
Starting balance including GoFundMe $3824.67
Spent: -107.16
-582 Paint purchase
-1150 Furniture (Pinnacle)
Total remaining as of today $996.55

It's important to note that the electrical buildout in the metal fab area is going to cost quite a bit yet to finish.

Workshop discussion notes:

  • Blender 3D Modelling and Animation - $150 - April Alex - Tuesdays 7-9pm
    • 9 weeks, 2 hours per week
  • Needle Felting - $15 - April 7th - Dan & frieind - 2 hours
  • Soldering - $15-20 - April 20th - Gavin & Nathan - 2 hours x2
    • 2nd date - July 30th Monday
  • Laser Cutter - $40 per person + $25 materials = $65
    • April 21 and 28, 2018 - Dan - 4 hours x2
  • Machining - Nathan / April days
  • Retr0bright Day - $TBD May 5th /
  • Welding Day - Nathan, Adam, Neal - June 23rd, Sat
    • / Adam unavail June 8-10th
  • Arduino - $30
    • Steve and Jenett - April 21st / Saturday / 3-4 hours / Dates changed after the meeting
  • MicroPython & microcontrollers — $TBD - Vic - July / 2wks / 3-4 hours / Tuesday evenings
    • July 10th & 17th
  • Rain Barrel/Planters - Heath - April, TBD

TBD workshops and other notes: ones which did not yet have solid dates lined up.

  • Neopixel/IoT or Addressable RGB LED - anytime after Arduino, followup in May - TBD
    • Dan would like to help with a workshop on this
  • Oscilloscope workshop - Gavin - Later, maby August - TBD
  • Video Editing - Jason - Summer - TBD
  • Powerpoint Roulette - Jason - TBD
  • Amateur Radio - Gavin / Shelved until antennas back up, TBD
  • Full Stack class / Joey / July - TBD
  • Encryption class like we tried last year and failed - Jimmy/Steve/Nathan
  • August Laser workshop - Dan - TBD

  • Pete - wanted 4 workshop slots held for auction at Girls Inc
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