From Bloominglabs
Attendees: Nathan, Steve, Jenett, Jay, Dan, Zach, Mitchell, Barry, Adam, Nick, Owen
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RFI for the firehouse
- Code changes
- ADA bathrooms
- Change the swing of the front door
- Put a platform on the back door
- Get the ceiling up to a 2 hour fire rating (may already be that way, but probably not)
- City will review the responses and get back to us
- Probably won't do anything with the firehouse until 2014
- Fund raising at Makevention
- $1200 grant opportunity through the city for art projects
Non-Profit Status
- Bloominglabs LLC is no more!
- Bloominglabs Incorporated is born!
- All donations for tax credit purposes needs to go through the School Factory
Laser cutter
- 100W laser would be awesome, but expensive
- Need to have some fund raisers for this
- Current officers
- Nathan, president
- Steve, secretary
- Jenett, treasurer
- The current officers were voted to continue their terms for 2013.
Fab Lab
- Nicole Jacquard, prof in Fine Arts, wants to relocate her 3D printers from IU at Bloominglabs
Physical Security
- We should get some better cameras and motion detectors
- Possibly get insurance for the tools
- Maybe create a security group
New Digital Infrastructure
- Google calendar
- New WordPress site
- This will be our fancy front page and the wiki will be for internal stuff
- Asset Trackers
- Nathan will add asset value
- Yearly review of our assets
- Dues/Invoicing system
- Will send members invoices when dues are due
- Customer Relation Manager
- Web interface for the RFID system
- LDAP server
- Working towards a single-signon system
- Jenett will get information on the wiki for how to create accounts
Wonderlab summer camps ideas
- throwies
- led push button lights
- kylie peppler's group
- conductive playdough
- makey-makey
Workshops Ideas
- We need em!
- Nick will hold a solar panel workshop
- Corey will hold a HAM radio workshop
- Jay has the stuff to do a Raspberry Pi workshop