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MAME Cabinet - contact cshields (irc)
Bloominglabs has a homemade arcade cabinet with a computer running [http://mamedev.org/ MAME]. Over 11,000 games are playable on the cabinet.
== How to start? ==
== How to start? ==
Boot it up!
Everything should start automatically.
Right now, the keyboard and mouse are somewhat necessary for navigating the selection of games.
(For example, switching categories currently requires the mouse).
You can search for games just by typing letters.
If you want to play a game that you know works and is fun to play, try the "Favorites" category.
Boot it up!  Everything should start automatically.  If you need, there should be a wireless keyboard and mouse, maybe sitting on top or inside.  When you are done be sure to go to the Exit menu and shutdown safely (it is Windows..)
Once you have launched a game, you will be shown a brief technical description.
Press any keyboard or arcade button to pass this and start the actual game.
The controls should work for most games.
== Things to know: ==
To pause a game, press the escape key on the keyboard.
To leave a game, pres the Escape key on the keyboard twice.
The control panel is on hinges and opens toward you by lifting on the back side, allowing easy access to power on the PC inside.  
If you have a problem, one of the first places to check is [http://wiki.mamedev.org/index.php/FAQ:Games the official FAQ].
One useful tidbit within: if the game won't start, try pressing F2.
(Many emulated machines require this button to be pressed to go through their boot-up sequence.)
Should you need access into the control panel itself, it is held by velcro, but try not to open this up too much as the velcro will come off
== Things to know: ==
The CPU runs a bit hot..  If it shuts down thermally it is probably time to blow out the heat sink
Should you need access into the control panel itself, it is held by velcro.
The USB wireless dongle I have sucks, so it is likely left unplugged to avoid anything trying to reach out and hang.
A Key Wiz (perhaps [https://web.archive.org/web/20050307011918/http://www.groovygamegear.com:80/Page2.html this version]?) provides a PS/2 keyboard interface for the controls.
Key Wiz is used to program the PS/2 interface for the controls. Profile A is setup for this cabinet.  This should all be taken care of on boot.
The control panel is on hinges and opens toward you by lifting on the back side, allowing easy access to power on the PC inside. Be careful, the control panel's velcro may let go and try to drop itself on your feet.
GameEx is used as the UI for everything.  More emulators can be added to it and configured through the GameEx configuration found in the start menu.
The video from the monitor is available on all TVs in Bloominglabs on channel 99.
== What is in the box? ==
AMD Phenom II 6-core CPU @2.7 GHz
== What is in the box?! ==
16 GB of DDR3 RAM
AMD Radeon HD4670
AMD Athon XP 2600+ (1.9ghz)
(Many thanks to the members who donated these high-quality parts to the new arcade cabinet computer!)
1GB DDR333 RAM (2 sticks of 512MB, can take 2 sticks of 1GB)
MonoPrice 1-to-2 VGA splitter (The product has been retired, but it is the 2-port version of [https://www.monoprice.com/product?p_id=5094 this] splitter.)
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 w/256MB RAM
Optimus STA-300 radio/amplifier
Key Wiz PS/2 interface
A little over 11,000 arcade game ROMs.
== Possible improvement projects: ==
== Possible improvement projects: ==
(feel free to make this better, you have my permission! Just mark stuff off the list, or add to it)
(feel free to make this better, you have my permission! Just mark stuff off the list, or add to it)
* External volume box (simple potentiometer to run the main audio from the PC through)
* find fun games and add them to the "Favorites" category
* tweak MAME configuration to allow navigating the interface without keyboard or mouse
* Vinyl trim around the edge of the control panel
* custom Bloominglabs Lit Marquee
* sturdier (or better yet: modular!) control panel
* Custom Bloominglabs Lit Marquee
* analog joysticks for control panel
* trackball + 2 buttons for control panel (cshields has a trackball, need to buy a mount for it and an interface, probably from Happ) to play crystal castles, golden tee, and act as a mouse interface
* Trackball + 2 buttons installed (I have the trackball, need to buy a mount for it and an interface, probably from Happ) to play crystal castles, golden tee, and act as a mouse interface
* external volume control (instead of turning the knob on the amplifier inside the cabinet)
* external power button
* CPU cooling could be improved
* add other emulators, ROMs for them, and a launcher to switch between emulators
** Heck, for that matter the whole PC could be replaced with something faster/better
* Top piece of MDF wood has broken, could be replaced
* Better wifi
=== Requested Games ===
* StepMania is on the hdd (and I have an old pad to go with this) but needs configured
Although the MAME cabinet has many arcade games, it does not have every one ever built.
Games that you want to play but that the cabinet does not have should be added to this list.
It would be appreciated if ROMs for games on this list were found, downloaded, and installed on the MAME cabinet.
ROMs can be installed by putting the .zip file in the folder <code>/home/mameplayer/Downloads/MAME 0.185 ROMs (merged)/</code> and restarting MAME.
* NeoGeo roms aren’t working right. sadface for metal slug
* [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ikaruga Ikaruga]
[[Category: Group projects]]
[[Category: Group projects]]

Latest revision as of 05:07, 17 September 2017

Bloominglabs has a homemade arcade cabinet with a computer running MAME. Over 11,000 games are playable on the cabinet.


[edit] How to start?

Boot it up! Everything should start automatically. Right now, the keyboard and mouse are somewhat necessary for navigating the selection of games. (For example, switching categories currently requires the mouse). You can search for games just by typing letters. If you want to play a game that you know works and is fun to play, try the "Favorites" category.

Once you have launched a game, you will be shown a brief technical description. Press any keyboard or arcade button to pass this and start the actual game.

The controls should work for most games.

To pause a game, press the escape key on the keyboard.

To leave a game, pres the Escape key on the keyboard twice.

If you have a problem, one of the first places to check is the official FAQ. One useful tidbit within: if the game won't start, try pressing F2. (Many emulated machines require this button to be pressed to go through their boot-up sequence.)

[edit] Things to know:

Should you need access into the control panel itself, it is held by velcro.

A Key Wiz (perhaps this version?) provides a PS/2 keyboard interface for the controls.

The control panel is on hinges and opens toward you by lifting on the back side, allowing easy access to power on the PC inside. Be careful, the control panel's velcro may let go and try to drop itself on your feet.

The video from the monitor is available on all TVs in Bloominglabs on channel 99.

[edit] What is in the box?

AMD Phenom II 6-core CPU @2.7 GHz

16 GB of DDR3 RAM

AMD Radeon HD4670

(Many thanks to the members who donated these high-quality parts to the new arcade cabinet computer!)

MonoPrice 1-to-2 VGA splitter (The product has been retired, but it is the 2-port version of this splitter.)

Optimus STA-300 radio/amplifier

A little over 11,000 arcade game ROMs.

[edit] Possible improvement projects:

(feel free to make this better, you have my permission! Just mark stuff off the list, or add to it)

  • find fun games and add them to the "Favorites" category
  • tweak MAME configuration to allow navigating the interface without keyboard or mouse
  • custom Bloominglabs Lit Marquee
  • sturdier (or better yet: modular!) control panel
  • analog joysticks for control panel
  • trackball + 2 buttons for control panel (cshields has a trackball, need to buy a mount for it and an interface, probably from Happ) to play crystal castles, golden tee, and act as a mouse interface
  • external volume control (instead of turning the knob on the amplifier inside the cabinet)
  • external power button
  • add other emulators, ROMs for them, and a launcher to switch between emulators

[edit] Requested Games

Although the MAME cabinet has many arcade games, it does not have every one ever built. Games that you want to play but that the cabinet does not have should be added to this list. It would be appreciated if ROMs for games on this list were found, downloaded, and installed on the MAME cabinet. ROMs can be installed by putting the .zip file in the folder /home/mameplayer/Downloads/MAME 0.185 ROMs (merged)/ and restarting MAME.